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G       環(huán)球瞭望                           LOBAL  OUTLOOK
                       如果是用數(shù)控機床進行加工,則每 300 個                         That said, that plate-machining job presented
                   孔就(jiù)可能出現一次斷(duàn)絲,而 FlexArm 將錯誤率                     a challenge. The shop’s CNC mill did not have
                   降低到了 1/3000。在使用 FlexArm 時,操作員                 adequate Z-axis travel to handle the thickness
                   可以在情況發(fā)生前發現已有缺口的絲錐,換成數                         of the plates or the ability to tap holes all the
                   控機(jī)床,則會繼續執行任務,導致絲錐破裂。一                         way around the parts, so using it to perform the
                   旦發生這種情況,受到影響的不僅是昂貴的部件                         tapping operations was not an option. He also did
                   或生產進度,操作人員還(hái)要浪費時間,找到絲(sī)錐                         not want to risk breaking a tap in one of the holes
                   片(piàn)段。                                           or cross-threading the ¼-inch-thick, 14-inch-tall
                                                                 6061-T6 aluminum plates, which cost $1,000 each.
                                                                 Because of the difficulty of the job and the tight
                   工成本,FlexArm 完成(chéng)第一次任務後,這家車間
                                                                 turnaround, Mr. Little had little time to consider
                                                                     The Tapping Arm’s Advantages Over a
                                                                 CNC Milling Machine
                       Sometimes shops are asked to take on jobs     Mr. Little remembered seeing a video on
                   that seem impossible. Little Enterprises, a small   Facebook of a pneumatic tapping arm from
                   shop in Purcellville, Virginia, was faced with such   FlexArm, a manufacturer of drilling and tapping
                   a task last December. A new customer had a    solutions. He put a call into the company and
                   job consisting of six plates that each required   ordered an A32 model.
                   600 holes to be tapped. The real challenge,       FlexArm’s pneumatic arms are specifically
                   however, was the timeline: The job needed to be   designed for fast and easy tapping. With adjustable
                   completed in a week. Three other shops had told   gas counter-balanced springs, operators can
                   the customer that it would take months, but Little
                                                                 simply position the tap over a hole and execute
                   Enterprises was able to tap all 3,600 holes in the   the tap. The FlexArm can also be adjusted to stay
                   allotted timeframe with the help of a tapping arm   where it is positioned or automatically return to
                   from FlexArm (Wapakoneta, Ohio).
                                                                 the home (folded) position. The tap head is always
                       A Little Shop with a Big Job              at 90 degrees to ensure accurate threading with
                       Little Enterprises gets its name from its   the Helicoil inserts.
                   founder, Rob Little, but it also describes the    The FlexArm counterbalances the weight of
                   number of employees. The shop consists of Mr.   the motor and absorbs the torque created by the
                   Little and his father. His wife is also on the payroll,   tool to reduce fatigue and the risk of operator
                   and his 12-year-old daughter and 13-year-old   injury. A quick-change chuck enables operators to
                   son help after school, on weekends and during   quickly change tap sizes without changing gears,
                   Christmas and summer breaks.                  head height or stops.
                       What the shop lacks in operator quantity      When the FlexArm arrived, Mr. Little wasted
                   it makes up for in technology. Mr. Little uses   no time. He set up the parts in Kurt vises and had
                   Autodesk Inventor, a parametric 3D solid modeling   his 13-year-old son do the tapping while he filmed
                   software, to speed the prototyping process. For   it to make his own Facebook video. “The FlexArm
                   instance, when he makes changes to the design   is not considered hazardous manufacturing
                   of the model, the CAM software updates the code   equipment under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
                   for the shop’s CNC lathe mill.                definitions, and my son loves using it,” he says.                  ·86· 第06期  數控機床市場
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