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東莞海爾諾精密機械有限公司是一家專業研製、生產及銷售高速數控雕銑機、雕刻機、數(shù)控車床係列產品的高科技企業。多年來成(chéng)功(gōng)開發出'海爾諾'品牌。公司采用國際先進的技術和零部件,造就出了高準質的CNC雕銑機、數控車床。現生產主(zhǔ)要有MJ600、MJ500、 MJ400、MJ4350、6136/6146數控車床等(děng)各種型號。 公(gōng)司秉承“以技術(shù)為支持,以市場為導向,以人為根本”的經營理念。培(péi)養出一支專業水平(píng)高,經(jīng)驗豐富、創(chuàng)新能力強的科(kē)研隊伍及精雕細啄(zhuó)的生產隊伍。 本公司(sī)以最先進的(de)技術,最穩定的質量,最優惠的價格,最(zuì)完善的售前售後服務, 從安(ān)裝調試。專業培訓,到解決客戶實際操作問題,24小時雕刻技術谘詢。提高(gāo)生產效(xiào)率,助(zhù)您業務成長並協同(tóng)您不斷提高利潤。 Dongguan海爾諾Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the development, production and sale of high-speed CNC engraving and milling machine, engraving machine series of high-tech enterprises. Successfully developed over the years'海爾諾'brand. Using the international advanced technology and components, creating a high-quality CNC engraving and milling machine. Companies adhering to the 'technology-support to market-oriented and people-the fundamental' business philosophy. The company's most advanced technology, the quality of the most stable, the most preferential prices, the most comprehensive pre-market after-sales service, from installation and commissioning. Professional training, the actual operation to resolve customer problems, Increase productivity and help your business grow and continuously improve the coordination of your profits.

公司(sī)名稱: 莫氏機械有限公司
電  話: 0769-82381781
傳(chuán)  真: 0769-82381782
聯 係 人: 莫泗武(先生)
手  機: 13925588431
詳(xiáng)細地址: 東莞市長安鎮(zhèn)沙(shā)頭社區358省道(沙頭酒店旁)海爾諾數控
郵(yóu)  編:
郵  箱:
公司網站: www.gzdiaoke.com
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