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- 天津賽(sài)力斯自動化科技有限(xiàn)公司
- 2012-05-16 11:20:02.0
- 德國
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- 麵議
- 51
EITEC機床內防護產品EITEC代理 EITEC廠家 EITEC價格 EITEC經銷天津賽力斯自動化科技有限公司專業銷售德國EITEC風琴護(hù)罩(zhào)、EITEC刮削板、EITEC鏈板式擋板等,德國EITEC代理, 德國EITEC總(zǒng)代,如您對該產品感興趣,歡迎來電(diàn)谘詢(xún)! 德(dé)國EITEC風琴(qín)護罩、EITEC刮削板、EITEC鏈板(bǎn)式擋板 德國EITEC是著名機床內防護產(chǎn)品生產商,主要產(chǎn)品有風琴護罩、刮削板、鏈板式擋板;接受非標定做。有色金屬型材 | 機器和設備的卷簾覆蓋層 | 機器和設備的保護圍欄 | 機器的保護蓋板 | 機器和設備的擋泥板 | 導軌保護蓋 · Bellows
Because of their low weight, bellows have very little influence on machine and guideways. Our product program of bellows reaches from simple bellows acting as dust or handling protection to bellows for highly complex applications with stroke delimiter and/or lamellae. We supply polygonal bellows, homogenous bellows, telescopic bellows in a rigid, flexible or blind-type version.•Polygonal
•Telescopic-Louvre-TypePolygonal· Homogeneous· Box· Rubber-Disc· Round-Textile· Round-PVC· Telescopic-Flexible· Telescopic-Rigid· Telescopic-Louvre-Type 德(dé)國EITEC風琴護罩、EITEC刮削板、EITEC鏈板式擋板等,德國EITEC代理, 德國EITEC總代,如(rú)您(nín)對該(gāi)產品感興趣,歡迎來電(diàn)谘詢!EITEC代(dài)理 EITEC廠家 EITEC價格 EITEC經(jīng)銷(xiāo)
Because of their low weight, bellows have very little influence on machine and guideways. Our product program of bellows reaches from simple bellows acting as dust or handling protection to bellows for highly complex applications with stroke delimiter and/or lamellae. We supply polygonal bellows, homogenous bellows, telescopic bellows in a rigid, flexible or blind-type version.•Polygonal
•Telescopic-Louvre-TypePolygonal· Homogeneous· Box· Rubber-Disc· Round-Textile· Round-PVC· Telescopic-Flexible· Telescopic-Rigid· Telescopic-Louvre-Type 德(dé)國EITEC風琴護罩、EITEC刮削板、EITEC鏈板式擋板等,德國EITEC代理, 德國EITEC總代,如(rú)您(nín)對該(gāi)產品感興趣,歡迎來電(diàn)谘詢!EITEC代(dài)理 EITEC廠家 EITEC價格 EITEC經(jīng)銷(xiāo)