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人力係(xì)纜絞盤(pán) Human mooring winch

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  • 泰興市捷勝船舶(bó)設(shè)備有(yǒu)限公司
  • 2014-04-28 09:20:16.0
  • 全國
  • 1
  • 1000
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人力係纜絞盤: Human mooring winch: 產(chǎn)品按(àn)GB/T6918-2005標準設計、製造。采用手推(手(shǒu)搖)機構。錨鏈輪和係纜(lǎn)卷筒安裝在豎直軸(zhóu)上。 Design for manufacturing, according to the GB/T6918-2005 standard. The use of hand push (hand) mechanism. The chain wheel and cable reel mounted on a vertical shaft. 作用:由人推動絞盤頭,帶(dài)動主軸旋轉,帶動固定式絞盤體轉動,從而達到船舶拋錨(máo)、起錨及係纜的功能。 Effect: by promoting rondles, drive the spindle rotating, fixed type winch body to rotate, so as to achieve the ship anchor, anchor and mooring function. 組成(chéng):由基(jī)座、絞盤體、錨鏈輪、棘爪(zhǎo)、滾筒、推棒等組成。 Composition: composed of a base, a winch, anchor chain wheel body, a push rod, roller, etc.. 技術參數: Technical parameters: 錨鏈輪直徑:Ф12.5-Ф22 The chain wheel diameter: Φ 12.5- Φ22 額定拉力:2KN-25KN Rated capacity: 2KN-25KN 鋼絲繩直徑:Ф11-Ф20 The diameter of wire rope: Φ 11- Φ20 化纖繩(shéng)纜直徑:Ф30-Ф48 Chemical fibre rope diameter: Φ 30- Φ48 捷勝船舶被上海江南造船有限公司、中集來福士海洋工程(chéng)有限公司、南京武家嘴造(zào)船集團等上百家造(zào)船、海(hǎi)運及海工單位選用。產品電動(人力、液壓)起錨係纜絞盤、錨機、係泊絞車;船用起重(吊)機:門式起重機、電動(dòng)液壓回轉(zhuǎn)吊、手動油(yóu)管吊、氣動吊、;機艙行車:電動式、低淨空式、手動式機艙行車等.具有(yǒu)CCS、ABS、DNV、BV、GL、KR、RINA船檢證書。產品詳情請登錄www.txjscb.com查閱相關數據 Jiesheng ship deck machinery manufacturers of professional, products are Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard Co. Ltd, CIMC Raffles Offshore Engineering Co. Ltd, Nanjing WUJIAZUI Shipyard Group hundreds of shipbuilding, shipping and marine unit selection. Products electric (manpower, hydraulic) anchor mooring winch, windlass, mooring winch; marine crane (crane) machine: gantry crane, electric hydraulic slewing crane, manual, pneumatic tubing hanger, hanging; engine room crane: electric type, low clearance type, manual type vehicle cabin with CCS, and so on. ABS, DNV, BV, GL, KR, RINA certificate. Product details please log in to www.txjscb.com and access to relevant data
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