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DQM 防爆電纜夾(jiá)緊密封接頭【優質】

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  • 樂清市金牌電(diàn)器有(yǒu)限公司
  • 2013-06-13 18:23:44.0
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  • 5
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DQM 防爆電纜夾緊密封接頭 DQM 防爆(bào)電纜夾緊密封接頭 一、適用範圍(wéi) 1. 爆炸性氣(qì)體(tǐ)環境危(wēi)險場(chǎng)所:1區、2區; 2. 可燃性氣體、蒸氣級別:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. 溫(wēn)度組(zǔ)別:T1~T6; 4. 戶內、戶外(IP65)。 1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 division、2 division; 2. Flammable gas, steam class:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. Temperatures classification:T1~T6; 4. Indoor and outdoor (IP65). 二、型號含義 三、性能特(tè)點夾緊電纜,以防拔脫,外管螺紋接頭(tóu)與螺紋壓帽之間設一密封膠圈,起到(dào)夾緊(jǐn)電纜作用,對於鎧裝電纜又起到接地作用。 Clamping cable to avoid being pulled out A sealing rubber ring is set between outer thread joint and thread press cap. Three metal calws are set in the small end of sealing rubber ring. They will shrink to ward centerwith the rubber ring to clamp the cable and ground the armored cable. 四、技術參數 管螺紋代(dài)號 Pipe's thread code(A)尺寸 Size(mm)電纜外徑 Cable's outside diameter(mm)防護等級 Protection category防腐等級 Corrosion-proofing gradeΦDLG1/24362Φ8~Φ9IP65W, WF1, WF2G3/45022Φ10~Φ15G15870Φ12~Φ18 G11/47075Φ15~Φ22 G11/27475Φ20~Φ26G28590Φ27~Φ33 G21/2100100Φ36~Φ44G3118120Φ43~Φ51 一、使用範圍 1. 爆炸性氣體環境危險場所:1區、2區; 2. 可燃性氣體、蒸氣級別:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. 溫度組別:T1~T6; 4. 戶內、戶外 (IP65)。 1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 division、2 division; 2. Flammable gas, steam class:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. Temperatures classification:T1~T6; 4. Indoor and outdoor (IP65). 二、型號(hào)含義 四、技術參(cān)數 異徑 Recucer尺寸 Size防護等級 Protection grade電纜外徑 Cable's outside diameter質量 WeighABCDG15143625IP547~90.06G201838258~140.06G2520482812~170.16G3222624313~230.30G4026624517~260.34G5026806025~350.46G70261005029~381.12
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