- 公司名稱:
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- 河北長豐機床有限公司
- 2013-03-05 17:04:45.0
- 泊頭開發區
- C(X)5120E
- 麵議
- 54
Common Single Column Vertical Lathe
| 單(dān) 位 | C(X)5112E | C(X)5116E | C(X)5120E |
立刀架最大車(chē)削直徑 | mm | 1250 | 1600 | 2000 |
側刀(dāo)架最大車削直徑 | mm | 1100 | 1400 | 1800 |
工(gōng)作台直(zhí)徑 | mm | 1000 | 1400 | 1800 |
工件(jiàn)最大高度 | mm | 1000 | 1000 | 1250 |
工件最(zuì)大重量(liàng) | T | 3.2 | 5 | 8 |
工作台轉速範圍 | 轉/分 | 6.3-200 | 5-160 | 3.2-100 |
級數 |
| 16 | 16 | 16 |
立側刀架進給量(liàng)範圍 | mm/min | 0.8-86 | 0.8-86 | 0.8-86 |
級數 |
| 12 | 12 | 12 |
立刀架最大切削力 | Kg | 2000 | 2500 | 2500 |
側刀架最大切削力 | Kg | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 |
總(zǒng)切削力(lì) | Kg | 3500 | 4000 | 4000 |
最大扭矩 | Kg·m | 1750 | 2500 | 3200 |
立刀架行程水平 | mm | 700 | 915 | 1115 |
垂直 | mm | 650 | 800 | 800 |
側架行程(chéng)水平 | mm | 630 | 630 | 630 |
垂(chuí)直 | mm | 900 | 900 | 1150 |
橫梁(liáng)行程 | mm | 650 | 650 | 890 |
立刀架搬度極限 | 度 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
立側刀架快速移動速度 | m/min | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 |
橫梁升降速度 | m/min | 0.44 | 0.44 | 0.44 |
刀杆截(jié)麵尺寸(cùn)(寬×高) | mm | 30×40 | 30×40 | 30×40 |
主電機功率 | KW | 22 | 30 | 30 |
進(jìn)給電機功率(lǜ) | KW | 1.3/1.7 | 1.3/1.7 | 1.3/1.7 |
機床的外形尺寸 | mm | 2360×2277×3403 | 2660×2660×3528 | 3135×3070×3910 |
機床(chuáng)重量(約) | T | 8 | 12 | 17 |
備注(zhù):此係列產品,側刀架為特殊要求供貨部件,由用(yòng)戶自定。 |
This serial is vertical lathe of common type, which is applicable in high speed steel tools and cemented carbide tools and can be used in the finish and rough machining of ferrous metals of all categories, nonferrous metals and some nonmetallic material. On the lathes one can complete the turning of internal and external cylindrical surface; turning of internal and external conical surface; grooving and cutting; the reaming of drilling hole and processing of reaming.