- 公(gōng)司名(míng)稱:
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- 河北長豐機床有限公司
- 2013-03-05 17:02:34.0
- 泊頭開(kāi)發區
- CK5263×40/100
- 麵議
- 60
CNC Double Column Vertical Lathe
1. CK5263×40/100數控(kòng)雙柱立式車床主要(yào)用途(tú)與適用範圍
This machine is a kind of double-column vertical lathe, which is widely used in the field of metallurgical industry, chemical industry, power-generating equipment and national defense for machining process. It can be used for rough and fine turning of outer cylinder, inner hole, end surface and tapered surface of work-pieces.
This machine is applicable in high speed steel tools and cemented carbide tools and can be used in the finish and rough machining of ferrous metals of all categories, nonferrous metals and some nonmetallic material, it can complete the turning of internal and external cylindrical surface; turning of internal and external conical surface
| 單位 | 規 格 |
最大加工直徑 | mm | 6300 |
最大工件高度 | mm | 4000 |
工作台直徑 | mm | 5700 |
最大(dà)工件重量 | t | 100 |
工作(zuò)台轉速級數 |
| 無級 |
工作台轉速範圍 | r/min | 0.32~32 |
工作台最大(dà)扭(niǔ)矩 | KN·m | 150 |
垂直刀(dāo)架最大切削力 | KN | 63 |
左右垂直刀架水平行程 | mm | -50~3400 |
左右垂直(zhí)刀架垂直(zhí)行程(chéng) | mm | 2000 |
進給級數 |
| 無級 |
進給範圍 | mm/min | 0.10~500 |
刀架快速移動速度 | mm/min | 4000 |
刀杆(gǎn)截麵尺寸 | mm | 50×50 |
橫梁截麵(miàn)尺寸 | mm | 280×280 |
橫梁(liáng)行(háng)程 | mm | 3000 |
橫梁升降速度 | mm/min | 410 |
橫(héng)梁升降電機功率 | kW | 30 |
主電機功率 | kW | 90 |
機床總功率 | kW | 190 |
機床重量(liàng)(約) | t | 215 |