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  • 山東天都數控機械有限公司
  • 2015-11-13 13:19:18.0
  • 槐蔭(yīn)區
  • 0
  • 1


聯接板鑽孔機選哪(nǎ)家?天都數控機(jī)械有限公司是您獨一不二的選擇,我公司主要經營產品:(數控角鋼線(xiàn)、角鋼鑽、板材加工生產(chǎn)線、聯接板衝鑽孔機、鋼管合縫校直(zhí)機、液壓角鋼切角機、液壓打字機(jī)、坡口機、數控平(píng)麵鑽床、法蘭平麵鑽床(chuáng)、數控鋼型三維鑽床、轉角帶鋸床、鎖口機、等)。 該產品是本公(gōng)司自行研發的用於條形板材打字、衝孔、剪切全自動數控加工生產(chǎn)線,已獲國家專利(專利號:ZL 201320416113.0)該(gāi)機由料台、翻轉(zhuǎn)、小車、送進料道、打字、衝孔、剪切、成品料(liào)道、液壓氣動、電控係統及(jí)導向(xiàng)定(dìng)位裝置等部分組成的一條全自動(dòng)生產線。 主要(yào)應用於鐵(tiě)塔行業的聯接板(bǎn)的衝孔及打字(zì),並(bìng)適用於其他行(háng)業(yè)金屬板材的衝孔及打(dǎ)字。 產(chǎn)品主要特點: 機身為C型鋼板焊接結構,剛性好,操作空間大。本(běn)機設有三個模位(其中有一個(gè)打字工位(wèi)),模位切換自動進行。夾鉗係統能適應不(bú)同厚度工件,設有基準零位擋塊,工件(jiàn)有滾(gǔn)球工作台支撐。X軸及Y軸運行(háng)有伺服電機(jī)及滾珠絲杠驅動,由雙軸係統控製衝孔位置,整個加工過(guò)程自(zì)動進行,操(cāo)作者吧工件尺寸輸入計算機,以後可以反複調用。 采用數控技術,伺服電機送進,效率高,工件精(jīng)度穩定(dìng)。 主要(yào)功能部件采用模(mó)塊(kuài)化組裝,維修方便。 同一板塊上可實現衝孔、打字、和鑽孔工作。 鑽孔單元具有空行程快進(jìn),慢速工進和快(kuài)速回程功能,提高工作效率。 編(biān)程簡易,可以鍵入孔徑、位置、工件數,也可以(yǐ)使用放樣軟件所生成的(de)程序,或采用CAD/CAM直接轉換(huàn)。 具有(yǒu)故障自我診斷功能。 減輕工人勞動強度。 The machine-frame is made by C-lype plate welding.with good rigidity and big handing space.The machine sets three die- stations(among them.one is the marking die-station),automatic switching die-stations Clamping system can adapt to different work piece(with zero baffle as datum mark,and work piece supported by rolling-ball working table Axis X&Y action should be controlled by servo motor and ball-screw driving ,and double-axis CNC system comtrols the position of punching,so as to make the whole machining process automatically;operator may input the sizes of work piece to computer for repeated calling program in the future Adopt CNC technology servo motor infeeding,with high efficiency.stable work piece precision. Important functional components adopt modular assembly easy to repair it. Carry out punching.marking and drilling on the one plate. Drilling unit has the function including rapid falling,slow work-feeding and quick feeding back to improve working efficiency Easy programming,may input the diameter of hole.position and the quantity of workpiece to computer,and also may use the program generated by lofting software,or adopt direct conversion CAD/CAM With self-diagnosis failures function \ Lighten the working strength of workers. 歡迎新老客戶來電谘詢(xún),我們(men)將竭(jié)誠為您服務。
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