Flower frame線棒(bàng)花架
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- 台(tái)灣品鑒(福州)自動(dòng)化設備有(yǒu)限公司
- 2014-11-11 08:07:16.0
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產品介紹Flower frame線棒花架 with 28 mm lean pipe and special metal connectors and various ancillary accessories been assembled. It can be designed according to your request, compound what you require線棒花架:由φ28mm的(de)精益(yì)管(線(xiàn)棒)和專(zhuān)用金屬接頭組裝拚接而成,實用,耐用,節(jiē)省空間,可重複利用,節約成(chéng)本,不(bú)浪費。產(chǎn)品屬性線棒(也稱為覆塑(sù)管),是帶有塑料樹(shù)脂塗層的焊接鋼管,為防止塗層與鋼管分離,它們之間(jiān)使用特殊的(de)粘(zhān)合劑粘接。鋼管(guǎn)的內(nèi)壁為防腐蝕的塗層,標準的線棒材料直徑為28mm,鋼管壁(bì)厚1.0mm。線棒產品是由管件(jiàn)和聯結件組成的一種(zhǒng)模(mó)塊化(huà)係統(tǒng),可以將任何(hé)創造性的想法轉換成(chéng)一種個性化的切合(hé)實際的結構,並且製造極其簡單和迅(xùn)速、低成本。 線棒是由一種鋼合金與高分子塑料的(de)複合管(精益(yì)管),其外層與內層均為複合塑(sù)料塗層,通過粘合劑與中間層鋼(gāng)合金管道複合(hé)成一體的柔性管(guǎn)道。應用組合接(jiē)頭和專用配件構成,可組(zǔ)裝成各式的流水(shuǐ)線、生產線、工作台、周轉車、倉儲貨架等外形結構。品鑒線棒產品廣泛應用在汽(qì)車工(gōng)業、電子製(zhì)造業、通訊產業、生(shēng)物工程、製藥(yào)業、軍工業、各(gè)種化工、精密五金,農業,家居家具等多樣化的生產(chǎn)環節(jiē)。其他說明Established in Oct.1998,Taiwan Pinjian (Fuzhou) Automation Equipment Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise focusing on R&D, production and sale ESD& steel pipe series products. Also it is an important distributor in Fujian of Taiwan Pinjian.
With our R&D lean pipe:steel or stainless pipes, joints, roller tracks and other accessories, can flexibly assemble all kinds of shape products. And all the products can be removed and reassembled according to the specific requirements.交易說明low MOQ, can be desiged by us!低起(qǐ)訂量,可設計