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Export Bed Frame

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  • 台灣品鑒(福州)自動化(huà)設備有限公(gōng)司
  • 2014-11-10 09:53:55.0
  • 全國
  • any size could
  • 0
  • 1


產品介紹export bed frame(including double and single bed frames)【 Taiwan Pinjian 】 ,it is with 28 mm lean pipe and special metal connectors and various ancillary accessories been assembled. This bed frame can be designed according to your request, compound what you require.產品屬性Bed frame(including double and single bed frames), are assembled together with lean steel pipe and special metal joint. The features of bed frame:1. Never rust, corrosion, won't fall off.2. Environmental protection. Lean steel tube we use is environmental protection material, can be repeated use, no pollution and no waste.3. It is assembled, so withdrawing and outfit is convenient, transport convenience. If don't need, can take it down to put on one side, save space.4. The construction with lean steel tube and metal connectors, so it is durable, wear-resisting, strong and long service life, not easy to damage.5. Safety.The surface is a layer of plastic, when we are working it is not easy to occur the risk of a collision. Our factory largely export bed frames,and we are now looking for overseas distributors/agent, we are waiting for your joining friendly.其他說明Pinjian (Fuzhou) Automation Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufactory which engage in R&D, production and sale ESD& steel pipe series products. It is Fujian province core of production and distribution of ‘Taiwan- Pinjian’ .Our company is founded in October 1998.With our R&D lean tubes:steel or stainless pipes, joints, roller tracks and other accessories, can flexibly assemble office facilities,furnitures, storage equipments etc.So except export bed fram, there are lots of products.交(jiāo)易說(shuō)明low MOQ, any special request pls contact us,our e-mail is
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