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船(chuán)用門式起重(chóng)機 《船舶與海上設施起(qǐ)重(chóng)設備規範》2007

  • 公司名稱(chēng):
  • 發布日期:
  • 所 在 地:
  • 產品型號:
  • 產品價格:
  • 點擊次數:
  • 泰興市捷勝船舶設備有限(xiàn)公司
  • 2014-10-23 10:40:08.0
  • 全國(guó)
  • 1-30T
  • 300000
  • 1


船用門式起重機 《船舶與海上設施起重設備規範》2007 Shipboard gantry crane "ships and offshore crane specification" 2007 用於海洋平台和科考船、補給船、工程船舶大型物件起吊(diào)和精準定位 For offshore platforms and ships, supply ships, engineering ships large object lifting and positioning precision 技術指標: Technical indicators: 起升負荷:1-30T Lifting load: 1-30T 起升高度:3-30m Lifting height: 3-30m 起升速度:4-8m/min Hoisting speed: 4-8m/min 運行速度:8m/min Speed: 8m/min 組成: Form. 由起升機構、行走機構(gòu)、刹車係統、運行穩定係(xì)統、門架總成、防風(fēng) The hoisting mechanism, traveling mechanism, braking system, stable operation system, the door frame assembly, wind 鋼纜、控製係統等部件 Cable, control system and other components 交易說明: Description of transaction: 1、 客戶購買泰興(xìng)市捷勝船舶設備有限公(gōng)司出品(pǐn)的船用門式起重機時需(xū)提供設備參數、要求。 1, the customer to buy Taixing City Jiesheng Marine Equipment Co. Ltd. produced marine gantry crane is required to provide equipment parameters, requirements. 2、 技術協議書和(hé)認可圖(tú)為產品檢(jiǎn)驗、交貨的依據。 2, technical agreement and approval plans for product inspection, the basis of delivery. 運(yùn)輸: Transport: 產品按客(kè)戶要求的方(fāng)式(shì)進行(háng)送貨 Products according to customer requirements of delivery 安裝使用注意(yì)事項: Installation notes: 1、具產品使用經驗的(de)專業人員操(cāo)作 1, with the product experience using professional operation 2、減速機、齧合齒輪、運動(dòng)部件必須(xū)加油 2, speed reducer, gear, moving parts must refuel 3、運行刹車、起吊刹車必(bì)須可靠 3, operating brake, brake should be reliable. 4、電器接線正確,空(kōng)載運行二次(cì)各5分鍾 4, electrical wiring is correct, the no-load running two times every 5 minutes 環保提示: Environmental tips: 1、拆除產品應有資質的單位進行。 1, the demolition of products should be qualified units. 2、產品不含汙染環境的(de)物質,當丟(diū)棄使用壽命到期的產品時,應交給正式收集點處理。 2, the product does not contain the environmental pollution, the service life of the product when discarded expired, should be paid to the official collection point processing.
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