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- 元(yuán)裕機械有限公司
- 2012-08-16 09:21:35.0
- 山東高密
- 麵議
- 104
CBJ-1全自動木槌柄機(jī)器CBJ-1 Automatic Wood Hammer Handle Machine 機械性能Property: CBJ全自動木錘柄機,有自裝自卸功能,該機器最大(dà)的特點(diǎn)就是在(zài)加工橢圓時可(kě)以連方木榫頭一(yī)起做好,操(cāo)作簡單,性能穩定(dìng),加工產品質量標準,打(dǎ)破了傳統兩機兩(liǎng)人的生產(chǎn)方法,並且一個人可以操作2-4台機器。 This is an automatic hammer handle making machine with self-loading and self-unloading function. Besides, It can also finish making the rabbet during the processing, which broke the traditional produce of 2 machine and 2 worker cost. Thus, if you want to lower the employee cost and promote the efficiency, this machine will be your best choice. 參數/Parameters
Modle | CBJ-2 | |
外觀尺寸 | Size | 1200*500*1200 |
功率 | Power | 2.2KW |
最大加工(gōng)長度 | Max Processing Length: | 30mm |
最大加工直徑 | Max processing Diameter: | 70mm |
銑刀轉速 | milling cutter speed | 7500r/min |
加工速度 | Producing Speed | 3-6件/分鍾 |
同步皮(pí)帶型號 | B | |