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電動起錨機 GB/T4447-2008

  • 公司名稱:
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  • 泰興市捷勝船舶設備有限公司
  • 2014-09-14 17:13:56.0
  • 全國
  • Φ8-70mm
  • 100000
  • 1


電動起錨機 GB/T4447-2008 Electric windlass GB/T4447-2008 電動起錨機安裝在船舶艏艉部主甲板上(shàng),供船舶(bó)起錨、拋錨、係纜 Electric windlass is installed on the ship bow and stern main deck, the ship sailed for, anchoring, mooring 技術指標: Technical indicators: 錨鏈直徑:Φ8-70mm Chain diameter: diameter 8-70mm 額定負荷:5-300KN Rated load: 5-300KN 起錨公稱速度:8m/min Anchor the nominal speed: 8m/min 電(diàn)機功率:2-70KW Motor power: 2-70KW 電製:12 24 220 380 440 690V Electrical system: 1224220380440 690V 工作原理: Working principle. 電動機帶動減速機旋轉,帶動錨鏈輪或絞纜筒工作,實現起錨或收(shōu)纜,工作時隻有任意一項動作,錨鏈輪和絞纜筒或付卷筒轉換有離合手柄 The motor drives the rotary gear, drive the anchor chain or cable drum work, realize the anchor or the cable collection, work only an arbitrary action, chain wheel and warping drum or pay roll conversion clutch handle 分類: Classification: 電動錨機(jī)、電(diàn)動組(zǔ)合錨機、電動起(qǐ)錨(máo)係纜絞盤 Electric windlass, electric windlass, electric anchor capstan 組成: Form. 由耐磨船用(yòng)錨鏈輪、絞纜筒、付卷筒、船用硬齒麵減速機(jī)、進口船用ABB電機、主(zhǔ)令電氣(qì)控製(zhì)箱、主令控製器為IP56型(xíng)及(jí)無石(shí)棉環保刹(shā)車帶、離合器、底座等組成 Made of wear-resistant marine anchor chain wheel, warping drum, drum, for marine Hardened reducer, import ABB marine motor, main electric control box, a master controller for IP56 and non asbestos brake, clutch, environmental protection with the base composition 安裝使用注意事項: Installation notes: 1、 減速機(jī)、齧(niè)合齒輪、運動部件必須加(jiā)油 1, speed reducer, gear, moving parts must refuel 2、 電器接線正確,空載運行二次(cì)各(gè)5分鍾 2, electrical wiring is correct, the no-load running two times every 5 minutes 交易說明: Description of transaction: 1、 客戶購買泰興市捷勝船舶設備有(yǒu)限公司出品的電動錨機時需提供設備(bèi)參數、要求。 Electric anchor machine 1, customers buy Taixing City Jiesheng Marine Equipment Co. Ltd., is required to provide equipment parameters, requirements. 2、 技(jì)術協議書和認可圖為產品檢驗、交(jiāo)貨的依據。 2, technical agreement and approval plans for product inspection, the basis of delivery.環保提示: Environmental tips: 產品不含汙(wū)染環境的物質,當丟(diū)棄使用壽命到期的產品時,應交給正式收(shōu)集點處理。 The product does not contain the environmental pollution, the service life of the product when discarded expired, should be paid to the official collection point processing.
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