供應車床圖紙 數控單柱立車圖紙(廠家) 18854178854
- 公司名稱:
- 發布(bù)日期:
- 所 在 地:
- 產品型(xíng)號:
- 產品價格:
- 點擊次(cì)數:
- 濟南泉躍數(shù)控機械有限公司
- 2012-07-14 10:03:53.0
- 山東濟南
- C5116/5118/5120/
- 5123/5125
- 20000
- 1894
車床 數控單柱立車(chē) 18854178854C5116/5118/5120/5123/5125單柱立車(chē)Singlecoumn Vertical Lathe C5116/CX5116主要用途:本係列單柱立式車床,有一個立刀架(jià)和一個側刀(dāo)架。適應高速鋼刀具和硬質合金刀具加(jiā)工各種(zhǒng)黑色金屬、有色金屬(shǔ)和部分非金屬材料,可車削內圓柱(zhù)麵、外圓柱麵、端麵、內圓錐麵、外圓錐麵、切槽、鑽孔、擴孔和(hé)鉸孔。MAIN USE:This series machine is single column vertical lathe, It has a railhead and a sidehead, It’s suitable of the ferrous, nonferrous metal and some kinds of non-metal materials with hard alloy, high capability and high speed steel tools. Is can perform finely and foughly turning cylinder and inner hole, inner and outer taper, grooving, drilling, tapping and reaming.